Artist Statement

I want to merge with the landscape.

Working in the space between grief and wonder, I use video, sculpture and installation to create contemplative, immersive environments in which to reflect on the critical need to reimagine our relationship to the more-than-human world.

My art practice is an act of remembering the sentience of the land and cultivating intimacy with her. Through embodied engagement and deliberate attention, I seek to know and be known by this place that I am from (New York City) in a process of undoing ecological estrangement. Dominant, extractive culture denies the animacy and wonder of the natural world so I curl up in a hole in the forest floor to feel enveloped in the womb of the earth.

I am thinking about death.

What needs to die in order for ancient and new ways of knowing to spring forth? What knowledge systems need to die to shift our trajectory? What needs to die within me?

Through my work, I invite you to mourn and become re-enchanted along with me.